Sep 20 2024

Pre-Testing: A Smart Step for Qualitative Research

Pre-Testing with MyInsights to optimize your research

Pre-testing with MyInsights in qualitative research offers a valuable opportunity to refine your study before launching into full-scale data collection. This critical step allows researchers to assess the effectiveness of their tools, tasks, and questions, ensuring that everything from diary entries to surveys and media uploads resonates with participants. It’s a chance to experiment with mobile ethnography tasks in real-world contexts, gathering essential feedback on the clarity and relevance of instructions, the ease of use, and the overall engagement levels of participants.

By conducting pre-tests, researchers can uncover potential issues or confusion that might otherwise go unnoticed. Whether it’s tweaking the wording of questions, adjusting the flow of tasks, or improving the functionality of media uploads, this early-stage feedback helps smooth out the rough edges. Participants’ insights during pre-testing also offer a preview of how they will interact with the platform during the actual study, allowing you to optimize engagement and minimize drop-offs.

Beyond refining individual tasks, pre-testing also ensures that the study design aligns with the research objectives. The interactive nature of MyInsights enables researchers to adjust in real time, making it easier to troubleshoot any technical glitches or refine the study on the go. This not only improves the participant experience but also contributes to richer, more reliable data when the full study is rolled out.

Overall, pre-testing with MyInsights is more than just a trial run; it’s an essential part of the research process that ensures your qualitative study is polished, participant-friendly, and primed to deliver meaningful insights. By using MyInsights’ seamless real-time feedback and mobile-friendly features, researchers can confidently move forward, knowing they’ve set the stage for a successful research project.

May 15 2024

Video Transcription and Sentiment Analysis

MyInsights Rolls Out AI Video Transcription and Sentiment Analysis

MyInsights just got smarter! The popular analytics platform now supports video transcription and sentiment analysis powered by AI, making it easier than ever for businesses to turn video content into actionable insights.

With the new feature, users can automatically transcribe video conversations, saving time on manual work. But that’s not all—AI-powered sentiment analysis now lets businesses gauge the emotional tone behind those conversations, whether they’re positive, negative, or neutral.

Video has become a big part of how companies interact with customers and teams. Our new feature helps businesses not only capture what’s being said but also understand the mood behind it.

The update is already live for all MyInsights users, and it’s fully integrated into the platform’s existing tools. Whether it’s customer feedback or internal meetings, businesses can now quickly pull insights from their videos and fine-tune strategies based on both content and sentiment.

This move further strengthens MyInsights as a go-to platform for businesses looking to make smarter decisions with the help of AI.