Capture what people think and feel

Effortlessly engage and connect with your participants to gain meaningful insights

MyInsights Platform

MyInsights is an intuitive, low cost market research platform for qualitative research and mobile ethnography. Participants submit text messages, photos, videos and audio fragments, can complete diary tasks, vote in a poll topic, answer short surveys and participate in real-time private and/or group discussions.
Let your participants capture their thoughts, feelings, experiences and habits in the right moment and place, whether it is at home or on-the-go.

MyInsights Topics
MyInsights Diary
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MyInsights - effortless & user-friendly

We understand that sometimes all your qualitative projects receive the green light at once, which means you need to be able to have projects up and running the same or next day. Our platform is incredibly user-friendly, not only for your research participants but also for moderators and observers.
Should you have any questions, we're always here to help. Feel free to reach out to us at or use our contact form.

MyInsights Mobile Ethnography

Mobile ethnography

Mobile ethnography encompasses many different ways of doing qual research. Some projects run for one or two weeks, others last months or even years!

In any case, it will lead to a better understanding of how consumers think, how they act, how they use products and services or what barriers might exist to use a certain product or service. Mobile qual will let you dig deeper into consumers lives and will enrich your reporting.

MyInsights Diary Entry

Mobile diary

A mobile diary project can be done 'on its own', to better understand consumer habits, rituals and feelings. It's also a good preparation before your actual fieldwork.

While you want to keep an open mind as a researcher, it's also nice to be prepared and to get to know the consumers before seeing them in an IDI or focus group. This allows you to dig even deeper and clarify certain things, that otherwise might have gone unnoticed or lost.

MyInsights Post

Pre & post tasking

Pre tasking can be done, when you need a little more insight into the feelings towards certain brands, their purchases or other relevant information of your research participants, before your IDI's or focus group.

On the other hand, don't you ever wonder how much participants can remember about a TVC two weeks after the fieldwork is completed, and if they still feel the same way about their willingness to buy a product? You can use post tasking to find that out!

MyInsights Diary

Poll topic

Just like during your face to face fieldwork, sometimes you want to do a head count, just to get a quick overview of the general feeling about a commercial, product or brand. You can do that with the 'poll topic' in MyInsights.

You can show a TVC, a still, or proposition or ask a question in general and get participants to vote and if needed, explain why they voted this way. You may let participants discuss the poll results. This is entirely up to you though, and based on the settings you choose in your project.

MyInsights Diary Entry

Shopper insights

With MyInsights, you can set up your project in such a way that you can map the path to purchase. You can, for instance, make use of surveys that stay available to let participants keep track of every touchpoint they have with the product or service.

Get a better understanding of all the touchpoints, triggers and barriers there are to buy the product. Let participants capture what triggers them to make the actual purchase.

MyInsights Survey


The strict separation between quantitative and qualitative is long gone! We completely understand the need for a survey in your qual project, especially with the large numbers of participants in your mobile qual projects.

You can ask single choice questions, multiple choice questions, open ended questions, likert, date/time and photo/video/audio questions. Of course, it's also possible here to show stills, video or other multi-media that you want to use in your project.

AI for analysis

AI for analysis

MyInsights is a market research platform designed to simplify data analysis for researchers. With built-in support for translation, sentiment analysis, and video transcription, it transforms raw data into actionable insights.
Whether you're dealing with multilingual responses, gauging customer sentiment, or transcribing video content, MyInsights streamlines the entire process, allowing you to focus on understanding and leveraging insights for impactful decision-making.


What can you expect when you sign up for MyInsights through our website?
After signing up online, you can start testing MyInsights immediately. You can create one or more test/demo projects, invite your colleagues to the projects and see how MyInsights works. If you provide your business info to us via email, we'll upgrade the platform so you can run real qualitative research projects.
We only charge for actual projects—there are no fees for demo or test projects, no monthly subscriptions, no licensing fees and no hidden costs. You'll only be billed for participants who actively take part in your research. You have the flexibility to start or stop using MyInsights at any time. Need to add a PO number or other details to your invoice? You can do that in the platform or let us know, and we'll take care of it!